Confidently assess and prescribe for minor ailments
Latest from CPhA
IPPC Indigenous Pharmacy Scholarship
Congratulations to the 2024-25 Indigenous Pharmacy Scholarship recipients!
Tools pharmacists can use to help sow the seed of deprescribing
How do you incorporate engaging patients in discussions regarding medication assessment and deprescribing into your busy workday? Join us for this case-based discussion that will provide you with practical tips and explore the tools that can help you connect with your patients about deprescribing.
New CPS chapter: Dermatological Considerations in Skin of Colour
Review key differences in diagnosing and managing conditions in patients with skin of colour, considerations for patient assessment and more.
Canadian Pharmacists Journal
Featured article
Accessibility reality check - Kaitlyn E. Watson, Ross T. Tsuyuki, Dave L. Dixon, Shania Liu, Yazid N. Al Hamarneh, 2024